For square steel pipe, you visit and type in the search engine:
thep hop vuong 100x100 ha noi
and then follow the search results
For steel plate, you type: gia cong cat sat tam ha noi
And then also follow the search results.
Lần sửa cuối bởi flexbex, ngày 16-10-2018 lúc 11:33:40 PM.
For square steel pipe, you visit and type in the search engine:
thep hop vuong 100x100 ha noi
and then follow the search results
For steel plate, you type: gia cong cat sat tam ha noi
And then also follow the search results.
Thank you. But I need advice for a reliable shop. I see many in De La Thanh street. But don't know which one I can trust
Hi Flexbex, come there and check the prices in 3 shops, then you know which one you can trust
Thanh niên quê em chỉ lấy vợ là nhanh
Better is come with your local friend or you will get highest prices
Yes but the problem is that my local friends don't have time. That's why I was asking for help.